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Tending List + Goals

Okay, full disclosure before I share my February Powersheet goals for this month: I totally crossed out my half-finished November tending list to start over and use for February 🙈

Truth is, I bought my 6-month Powersheets* back in AUGUST to use for the second half of 2019. Well friends, navigating mamahood and launching new businesses totally took over and that habit didn’t stick (or even start).

And so I’m back! Praise the Lord for 6-month Powersheets that don’t have specific months written on them 🙌

Hopefully, this tells you two things about me and why I believe in Powersheets:

  • It’s okay to mess up. Powersheets isn’t about getting it perfect or being crazy strict or setting unrealistic goals. It’s about tracking your progress (love that they call it a “tending list”), cultivating habits and goals that actually matter, and giving yourself a lot of grace throughout the process.

  • Powersheets (when I actually DO use them) are my favorite way to set and track goals. I bought my first year-long Powersheets in 2018 and it was a game-changer for me. The fact that it had what seemed like a bajillion pages of prep work did intimidate me at first – but that’s what makes them so powerful! You’re not just setting arbitrary goals – you’re setting goals that matter and are aligned to your bigger Why. 

You can learn more about what Powersheets are + how I use them to set goals in my business here!

Tending List | February 

Each month, I’m going to be sharing my goals, habits, and action items here with you.

My goal (no pun intended 😉) is to encourage you to be more intentional in how you cultivate habits and set goals that really matter for your life and business.

It’s also a great way to keep ME accountable so that I don’t have any more half-started sheets!

So without further ado, here’s my February Tending List:

Encouraging Words

I’m trying to memorize more scripture, and so for my encouraging words section this month I chose two verses that I’m memorizing:

  • Ephesians 3:20 – “Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to do infinitely more than we may ask or think” (yay! Just wrote that one from memory!)
  • Psalm 71:7 – “My life is an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection.” (welp… still working on that one! But it’s such a strong reminder that our lives are our example to others of what we believe and what matters most)

Top Priority

Take action on God’s plan!

(aka life mission, but it really is hitting home for me this month!)

Now…. onto the goals!

using powersheets for goal settings

I broke down my goals in the sections on my tending list:

Monthly Action Items

  • Launch a new website (which if you’re reading this, means I already hit this goal by the time this is published! YAY!)
  • Finish website tasks (because let’s be honest – done > perfect, but I still need to put some finishing touches!)
  • Create my signature opt-in + funnel
  • Read 2 books (my 2020 goal is to read 24 this year!)
  • Take Kayla’s Mom Photography School

Weekly Action Items

  • Workout 3x/week 
  • Instagram 5x/week
  • Blog 2x/week
  • Newsletter 1x/week

As I’m working on growing a totally new business, my main focus is consistent, valuable content creation!

Daily Action Items/Habits

  • Silent time with God
  • Up before 7 am (aka have “me” time before Ellie gets up!)
  • Write in my Kairos Journal
  • Read 30 minutes/day

My daily habits are really focused on self-care and being more disciplined in prioritizing my time with the Lord.

Monthly Powersheets Recap

Stay tuned for my recap post at the end of the month!

I’ll be checking in on my goals to share what worked, what didn’t, and looking forward to what I’ll be cultivating in March!

If you want to be notified of my recap (and stay in the loop of all of our faith + marketing content), you can join the email fam here!

February Powersheets - monthly goal setting

Want to grab your own set of Powersheets + join in on the fun? You can buy them here!

Now it’s your turn 👉 what goals or habits are YOU cultivating this month? Let me know in the comments below!

*Disclaimer: This post includes affiliate links and I would love it if you decided to use them. Affiliate links + referrals programs help educators like me to fund the free content that we provide on our blogs at no additional cost to you.

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