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Take this fun & free quiz to find out which Friends character best describes your marketing plan - and grab my best recs & resources for what to do next!

I've got you mama!

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Each month as I work on my Powersheets, I’m going to be sharing my goals, habits, and action items on the blog. My goal (all puns intended πŸ™ƒ) is to encourage you to be more intentional in how you cultivate habits and set goals that really matter for your life and business. It’s also a […]

march goal setting

March Powersheets

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Does anyone else feel like January was a suuuper long month and then February just flew by in a blink of an eye?! Maybe it was the fact that I was away speaking at the Evolve Workshop in SF the first week and then came right to our RV in Colorado, but my oh my […]

February Goal Recap

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Tending List + Goals Okay, full disclosure before I share my February Powersheet goals for this month: I totally crossed out my half-finished November tending list to start over and use for February πŸ™ˆ Truth is, I bought my 6-month Powersheets* back in AUGUST to use for the second half of 2019. Well friends, navigating […]

setting goals monthly business success and tips

February Powersheets

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(& how I use them to set goals as an entrepreneur) Think of Powersheets as the perfect combination of a planner, goal tracker, journal, and a loving, grace-filled kick in that pants to *actually* do the hard work of cultivating what matters in your life. Lara Casey is the creator behind Powersheets and Cultivate What […]

what are powersheets

What are Powersheets?