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Well, to say March was an interesting month is probably an understatement. We went from living in our RV in the Colorado Rockies to moving back to our house on the East Coast and now self-quarantining with a pandemic on the loose. It’s definitely shaken up our schedules and priorities a bit – and so […]
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Each month as I work on my Powersheets, I’m going to be sharing my goals, habits, and action items on the blog. My goal (all puns intended 🙃) is to encourage you to be more intentional in how you cultivate habits and set goals that really matter for your life and business. It’s also a […]
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Does anyone else feel like January was a suuuper long month and then February just flew by in a blink of an eye?! Maybe it was the fact that I was away speaking at the Evolve Workshop in SF the first week and then came right to our RV in Colorado, but my oh my […]
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Tending List + Goals Okay, full disclosure before I share my February Powersheet goals for this month: I totally crossed out my half-finished November tending list to start over and use for February 🙈 Truth is, I bought my 6-month Powersheets* back in AUGUST to use for the second half of 2019. Well friends, navigating […]
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(& how I use them to set goals as an entrepreneur) Think of Powersheets as the perfect combination of a planner, goal tracker, journal, and a loving, grace-filled kick in that pants to *actually* do the hard work of cultivating what matters in your life. Lara Casey is the creator behind Powersheets and Cultivate What […]